Parks-Work recently completed a project aimed at focusing attention on species conservation in the Dutch Caribbean. Working with conservation practitioners, this was achieved in two ways:

1. Providing managers and their staff with fully updated lists of their species of conservation concern

Species added to conservation lists for each island included IUCN Red List species, Important Bird Area species, CITES species, species listed on the Conservation of Migratory Species and SPAW listed species, as well as endemics, locally protected and flagship species

2. Developing Species Action Plans for species of highest concern

Park practitioners together with the Dutch Caribbean Nature Alliance identified their top five species of conservation concern in the Dutch Caribbean. A template was developed which provides an overview of the conservation status, threats, management goals and recommendations.  Action plans were developed for the following:

  • Lora, (Amazona barbadensis ) an endemic sub-species of parrot found on Bonaire
  • Spiney lobster, (Panulirus argus) which are commercially harvested in the Windward islands
  • Nassau grouper, (Epinephelus striatus) which are on the IUCN Red List of critically endangered species
  • Common lignum vitae, (Guaiacum officinale) a tree on the IUCN Red List of endangered species
  • Mountain Mahogany, (Freziera undulata) which is locally endangered and a keystone species on Saba

This was a project funded by the SPAW RAC to improve the management of endangered species in the Caribbean.

There are two key outputs:

  • updated searchable lists of ‘special species’ (including IUCN Red List, IBA, CITES, CMS and SPAW listed species, as well as endemics, locally protected and flagship species), selected species management plans and monitoring recommendations.
  • Species Action Plans for Lora, Lobster, Grouper, Lignum Vitae and Mountain Mahogany