Project Description

Using information collected from park managers and their staff, Parks Work has conducted independent management effectiveness evaluations for all 5 terrestrial and 5 marine protected areas in the Dutch Caribbean using the soon to be launched METT4 methodology (Management Effectiveness Tracking Tool).

METT is one of the most widely used systems designed to assess protected area management effectiveness. The methodology is a rapid assessment based on a scorecard questionnaire which includes all six management elements in the IUCN-WCPA Framework: context, planning, inputs, process, outputs and outcomes. METT4 includes not only detailed justification for each step in the analysis but also recommendations to improve management and as such is likely to become very useful to park managers.

Having taken part in IUCN WCPA Webinars in 2020 Parks-Work also provided the METT-4 development team with valuable feedback on a Beta version of the METT-4 tool.